European Creative Contest

I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m p o s i t i o n C o m p e t i t i o n
Euregio Klassika 2024

Special Prize Young Creative Contest”

Special Prize “Trento”


The European Creative Contest, promoted by Euregio Klassika, aims to stimulate the production, dissemination and enhancement of music created by composers of our time. For us, this is a fundamental mission to foster and promote the growth and development of society.

Due to this, Euregio Klassika has distinguished itself since its inception by fostering the development of the ability of the cultural system, particularly musicians, to develop networks that promote creativity, awareness, active participation, confrontation and dialogue between diverse ideas and visions locally as well as internationally. This action is intended to demonstrate the concept of artistic promotion, which is not only a manifestation of talent and expressive ability, but also a manifestation of positivity and knowledge surrounding it.

Objectives and principles of the European Creative Contest

The European Creative Contest, organized by Euregio Klassika, aims to represent a meeting point between artists and cultural systems.

We aim to establish connections between composers, orchestras, choirs, concert institutions operating in the region, and cultural institutions on an international level. In this regard, the Euregio area as well as the city of Trento will serve as a cultural meeting place. Those who aspire to be known with their works will find their needs here.

These premises are the foundation for:

• The cultural and social growth of the community.

• The rediscovery of the territories of art through innovative and experimental proposals.

• The active protagonism of young people who will be involved in the planning and implementation of cultural and artistic activities.

• The cultural and tourist projection of the city of Trento and the territory of the Euregio as a whole.

The European Creative Contest International Composition Competition promoted by Euregio Klassika, in this 2024 edition has chosen the theme of Tolerance and respect for diversity as a source of inspiration for composers.

Trento will also be for this reason, a border place, yes, but also an ideal territory for meeting and debating different cultures.

Prizes and organization of the competition

The pieces awarded at the unquestionable judgment of the commission will receive a diploma of merit, a cash prize and the performance in public concerts by important concert institutions and musical associations.

The judging committee will be composed of internationally renowned musicians and a member of Euregio Klassika.

The Euregio Klassika European Creative Contest will be divided into three sections:

  1. Piano

  2. Choir with equal or mixed voices

  3. Chamber ensemble (from Trio to Chamber Orchestra).

The compositions must have a minimum duration of 4 minutes and a maximum of 20 minutes and must be inspired by the theme "Tolerance and respect for diversity".

To participate in the European Creative Contest organized by Euregio Klassika, composers must send an application to

Each candidate will be able to send as an attachment one or more compositions in pdf format, never performed and unpublished. Sending files with download links is also permitted.

The candidate must also attach the audio file with sampled or live sounds. In this case, the files must be sent in mp3, waw, midi, AAC, Flac, Aiff formats, or they can be shared via Youtube link (recommended). Applications must be sent by 11:59 p.m. on September 15, 2024.

The participation fee, of € 20 for each composition sent, must be paid by bank transfer to the account in the name of Associazione Culturale Euregio Klassika, at the Cassa di Trento, IBAN: IT22F0830401813000013409899.

The international jury will meet in Trento on 19 and 20 September 2024 at the Sala degli Affreschi of the Trento Municipal Library located in via Roma 55, Trento. First of all, it will identify the finalist pieces through an autonomous and anonymous evaluation by each juror. The finalist pieces will then be evaluated collectively. The resulting ranking will be communicated to the interested parties by e-mail and published on the social pages of Euregio Klassika.

As part of the European Creative Contest, two special prizes have been established:

  1. " Young Creative Contest" Prize awarded by the popular jury made up of students from the schools of Trento.

  2. The "Trento" Prize is awarded to the youngest composer under the age of 25 with a score of at least 85/100.